CO-SECUR’s participation at ESPAnet 2024

CO-SECUR at ESPAnet 2024

CO-SECUR headed out to Tampere, Finland for the ESPAnet 2024 conference,  conference, August 28 – 30, 2024. This year’s theme was “Public values of the welfare state to manage sustainable welfare and wellbeing.”


➡️ About espanet 2024:

The 22nd ESPAnet Annual Conference focuses on how welfare states can continue to support citizens’ wellbeing in a changing world. In the past, welfare systems have been guided by values like equality, trust, and solidarity, helping people through tough times such as financial crises, pandemics, and wars. Today, new challenges like digital transformation, climate change, and migration are reshaping these systems. The conference explored how welfare states can adapt to these new realities while still supporting everyone, especially marginalized groups, and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

🔎our participation

The conference provided a fitting platform for us to share the objectives and methodology of CO-SECUR with colleagues from the fields of public policy and welfare. The conference highlighted the importance of public values like solidarity, equality, and trust in shaping sustainable welfare systems, aligning perfectly with the goals of our project. We received a lot of interest from the scientific community, especially in the participatory approach we’re using, which led to some really engaging discussions.



Overall, we’re pleased to say that our participation in the conference was a success!



Check out CO-SECUR poster for ESPAnet 2024  ⬇️


CO-SECUR poster for ESPAnet2024
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