OPEN CALL for Security Innovation Advisory Board experts

CO-SECUR, a Horizon Europe-funded project (GA 101121325), is recruiting a pool of 6 international experts to set up a Security Innovation Advisory Board (SIAB) with complementary profiles and consolidated expertise in social innovation, public security, urban development, privacy, ethics and other related fields of interest to support the project in its endeavours during the period 20

CO-SECUR aims to build knowledge and a suite of tools, including a Societal Development Plan (SDP) to foster and accelerate the adoption of social innovations and responsible innovation principles that contribute to successful, more effective, and co-produced security solutions for public spaces.

>Security is a complex issue that relates and depends on aspects such as social innovation, social cohesion, law enforcement, society’s resilience, and community empowerment against any form of violence. In this context, the concept of “safer cities and human settlements” compromises integrated, innovative, and inclusive approaches to urban safety and security. Given this perspective, ensuring urban safety and security requires a citywide and participatory process to address the multiple causes and risk factors for crime, violence and insecurity, and to develop and put in place the security solutions that protect against those

>Several actors should be involved in the development of security solutions as well as in security provision and prevention. For that reason, SIAB members will act as experts supporting the project execution and implementation phases. This way, COSECUR will co-design research with the involvement of relevant and diverse stakeholders.

  • Practitioners, researchers, academics, policy makers with demonstrated experience in the field of public engagement, stakeholder engagement linked with the security and social innovation fields.
  • EU/EEA/EFTA/Accessing/candidate countries nationals or have their place of residence or work in this area.
  • Demonstrated expertise in at least one of the following areas
  • Social Innovation
  • Security Behaviour
  • Security Perception
  • Ethics, Privacy, Data protection
  • Security Technologies
  • Participatory Approaches
  • Knowledge and ability to provide examples of best practice/case studies on any of the above-mentioned topics.
  • Experience in and/or familiarity and understanding of international, global and/or cross-cultural perspectives, EU-related actions, policies, programmes, initiatives and projects are an asset.
    Potential for enlarging the CO-SECUR stakeholder network and/or multiplying the impact and sustainability of the project results.

Essential requirements

  • Minimum 5 years of post-graduate professional experience in international relations, public security, law enforcement, urban planning, local development, intercultural diplomacy/communication, cultural and creative industries and sectors, etc.
  • Expertise and knowledge of, at least, one of the above-mentioned areas or fields.
  • Excellent written and spoken skills in English.


  • Demonstrated experience in data collection, analytical research, and reporting.
  • Demonstrated experience in research coordination, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Knowledge of one or more additional European Union languages will be considered an asset.
  • Knowledge of EU policies, programmes and initiatives supporting cultural relations/exchanges between the EU and third countries will be considered an asset.

The main tasks of the SIAB are aligned with CO-SECUR implementation progress along the three years of project duration (2024-2026) and cover the following topics:

1. Results validation from preliminary data analysis of knowledge and theory building. The expected outcomes of the project are:

  • Literature review on Social Innovation for Security Perception and Security Behaviour
  • CO-SECUR conceptual framework and theoretical model
  • Identification, mapping and analysis of activities, projects, technologies, and policies that leverage socially responsible research and innovation in security.
  • Lessons learnt on how to implement Social Innovation in Security involving citizens

2. Contribution to communication & dissemination of the project results at international level.

3.Contribution to ecosystem building for stakeholder engagement (WP3).

4.Attendance to two project meetings and to the final event “Security Perception Conference” in Brussels (one per year approximately, from 2024 to 2026).

The expected dedication time is approximately 6 working days over 36 months (2 days per year).


  • Availability of the SIAB members can be requested in case of project extension.
  • SIAB members will deliver a brief activity report to the coordinator.

Following the EC policy for reimbursement of external experts and reviewers, experts will be reimbursed for the time dedicated to the project at a rate of 450 € per day (all taxes included). Payment will be done within 30 days after the submission of an activity report.

In addition, experts will be reimbursed for travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses upon submission of receipts to attend the face-to-face meetings and the final conference. Travels must be organized based on the most appropriate means of transport and trying to benefit from the most economical travel rates. Payment will be done within 30 days after the submission of the expenses settlement document of each trip.


To apply, please send a motivation letter (one page) and your CV (ideally in Europass Format) to the project email address and coordinator email address: Julia Ferrando (

Please, clearly indicate in your email the specific area you are applying for (e.g. “Application for SIAB_your field of expertise”, For ex. “Application for SIAB_Participatory approaches”). The areas as earlier presented are:

  • Social
  • Security Behaviour
  • Security Perception
  • Ethics, Privacy, Data protection
  • Security Technologies
  • Participatory Approaches
  • The call is open until the 15st of April 2024.
The call date has been extended until the 13th of May 2024!
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